A Tangled Mess

"Stop being mean!" "I'm not being mean. I am kindly getting your tangles out." "Don't hurt me!" "It may hurt a bit. I will comb your hair until the tangles are out." Little Miss and I have been having some form of this conversation fairly consistently for the past 22 months -- since she came... Continue Reading →


"Where's Momma? Where is your Momma? You love that Momma don't you?" Simple questions. Loaded reality. "Let them want you." It was a simple sentence. A simple statement. A loaded request. "I don't know how," was my 1am tear-filled response to The Groom. I have been battling since the day I met our Littles. The... Continue Reading →

Succumbing to the death of me

33 years old. I remember the day my mom turned 33 years old. I felt such dread come over me. I spent the next 12 months wondering when it would happen and how we would survive. 33 years old. That's when Jesus died and that's when my mom would die. Or so my melodramatic 10 year... Continue Reading →

Beauty from the Roots

I try to keep fresh flowers in our home at all times. It brightens my day to see those beautiful blooms and creates my idea of "home" that I want my littles growing up with. A couple weeks ago I was choosing our bi-weekly bouquet. Little Miss spoke up and said, "Momma, I want to... Continue Reading →


community noun, often attributive com·mu·ni·ty \kə-ˈmyü-nə-tē\ Community is a word tossed around a bit. It's such a warm and cozy concept, huh? If you are from my parents' generation, you might have pictures of Mayberry popping in your head. If you are like my sister, part of you longs for Stars Hollow to be a... Continue Reading →

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